Thermo Top Coat Blue
Thermo Top Coat Blue
Thermo Top Coat Blue
Thermo Top Coat Blue
Thermo Top Coat Blue

Thermo Top Coat Blue

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Price:390.00 Р.

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This polish is a semi-sheer jelly, but in its cool state two coats cover the nail line, so you can only see the free edge under very bright lighting. Worn as a top coat, it can give the base colour a white cast and a greyish blue tinge when warm. Worn on its own in two coats, the cool variant is as bright and vibrant blue as over any other base colour. In its warm state it becomes an almost completely sheer greyish blue.


This polish is a semi-sheer jelly, but in its cool state two coats cover the nail line, so you can only see the free edge under very bright lighting. Worn as a top coat, it can give the base colour a white cast and a greyish blue tinge when warm. Worn on its own in two coats, the cool variant is as bright and vibrant blue as over any other base colour. In its warm state it becomes an almost completely sheer greyish blue.