Ridge Filler
Ridge Filler
Ridge Filler

Ridge Filler

Price:370.00 Р.

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The ridge filling base coat is supposed to even out the nail plate before colour application. The product is not too thick or thin, not runny, and dries fairly quickly. It has a slight whitish pink tinge, but on the nails it’s almost completely clear. One coat makes the nail plate visibly smoother, and a second coat allows for easy application of the trickiest metallics that accentuate any nail imperfections. In the comparison photon below I’m wearing Step 23 over one coat of Ridge Filler on the left and the same polish over regular base coat on the right.


The ridge filling base coat is supposed to even out the nail plate before colour application. The product is not too thick or thin, not runny, and dries fairly quickly. It has a slight whitish pink tinge, but on the nails it’s almost completely clear. One coat makes the nail plate visibly smoother, and a second coat allows for easy application of the trickiest metallics that accentuate any nail imperfections. In the comparison photon below I’m wearing Step 23 over one coat of Ridge Filler on the left and the same polish over regular base coat on the right.