04 Hidden Castle

04 Hidden Castle

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Price:350.00 Р.

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New Dance Legend Lumiere collections envelops you in this magical atmosphere: eight festive shades are filled with small glitter particles which make them emit a soft, mystical glow. Gold, champagne, red, burgundy, black, dark blue, bluish purple and green – these saturated, opaque tones are a perfect choice for a holiday mani and a treat for any sparkling textures lover’s heart.


New Dance Legend Lumiere collections envelops you in this magical atmosphere: eight festive shades are filled with small glitter particles which make them emit a soft, mystical glow. Gold, champagne, red, burgundy, black, dark blue, bluish purple and green – these saturated, opaque tones are a perfect choice for a holiday mani and a treat for any sparkling textures lover’s heart.